About Us | Norwest Aluminium Window & Door Solutions Ltd

Approved Fabricator of Omega Windows + Doors

Who we are

Norwest Aluminium

We are a 100% locally-owned and operated company consisting of a great team of people:

  • Tony Collins – Sales
  • Sonny Meti – Sales/Production
  • Tracey Dutton – Reception
  • Sue Collins - Office Administrator

Each have our individual strengths that, when combined, help a business flow. When Tony and Sonny receive an enquiry or a set of plans, these are reviewed with the customer and an informative tour of our showroom helps to ensure their needs and that options are being offered and preliminary drawings can be drafted.

Once drawings are finalised and quotes accepted by the customer, material and product is ordered and Tony or Sonny work with the builder and customer so we have a full understanding of how units are expected to arrive on site.

Talk to the team today!

Open Monday - Thursday 8.00am to 4.30pm
Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm
Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm by appointment only

Come in and see our showroom